Hollywood's Favorite Movie Quotes-II

Hajra Khatoon, Hollywood Story posted on 15 Mar 2012 151 views

So, here we are as promised in Hollywood's favorite Movie quotes-I ,with the next batch of Hollywood’s best said dialogues . What is special about them you would say? Well, many things- the context, the amazing delivery, the power behind them and for the fact that they fail to leave our movie addicted memories! So, here’s some more of the delicious dialogues!

  1. "I’ll be back" (Terminator, 1984)

    Terminator is remembered for many things but the primary reason remains this – Arnold Schwarzenegger. This dialogue happens when Arnold’s character is refused entry to the police station. Soon after, he cheekily returns in the police car, smashing it through the door and proceeds to destroy everything in the building. Very terminator indeed.

  2. A martini. Shaken, not stirred (Goldfinger, 1964)

    Sean Connery remains the favorite Bond and his phrases deserve the same honor.Though first spoken as “Shaken and not stirred” in Dr. No; the phrase “Shaken, not stirred” figured first in Goldfinger. Since then, it is featured prominently in Bond movies.

  3. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary (Dead Poet’s Society, 1989)

    Carpe Diem is a Latin phrase that means to pick or to gather but has extensively been used to translate as “to seize”. Robin Williams amazing acting skills just went to best in the movie and this dialogue caught every movie goers attention and made the movie extraordinary!

  4. "I’m the King of the World" (Titanic, 1997)

    Besides everything the movie is remembered for, this dialogue captures the true essence of the character played flawlessly by Di Caprio.

  5. "Well, nobody's perfect" (Some like it hot, 1959)

    The dialogue which made every one stand up and take notice that after all, we are allowed to make mistakes. No one could have done it better than actor – comedian J.E. Brown

  6. "We rob banks" (Bonnie and Clyde, 1967)

    The movie was considered landmark for “breaking many cinematic taboos” but this dialogues personifies the eternal theme of the crime film.

  7. "Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!" (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948)

    Though the quote is actually a misquote, It is based on a line of dialog from a 1927 novel but continuously appears in movies, parody and prominently in the live song recorded in 1985 called “Badges”.

  8. "May the Force be with you" (Star Wars, 1977)

    You can’t be a movie fan and not have watched Star Wars; further, you can’t be a Star Wars fan and not know what The Force is! It has become a legacy in the Star Wars movies and is spoken by at least one character in each movie.

  9. "E.T. phone home" (E.T The extra terrestrial, 1982)

    The E.T Craze still lingers and the dialogue to phone home just got bigger than the extra terrestrial itself!

  10. "You talkin to me" (Taxi Driver, 1976)

    This dialogue delivered by Robert Di Niro became the pop culture and has since then, prominently featured in a number of movies and television series. It was chosen as number 10 on American Film Institute’s top 100 best movie quotes.

  11. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward”. (Rocky Balboa, 2006)

    And last but not the least, the editor’s choice, When senior Rocky says this to Junior Rocky; little did he know that it would become the theme for all speakers and motivational coaches around the world. It became a theme and Rocky and everyone of learnt to get up and fight back!

So, our take on the twenty one most favorite quotes that still remain a cinematic favorite. Just in case you missed it, click here for the first ten. Do add in yours, tell us what your favorite movie quote to date remains!
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