One thing humans love more than themselves (Maybe!) is animals. From man's best friend to maybe a living nightmare; animals have influenced human life in many ways. So it is obvious that they form an integral part of some of the biggest on screen movies. Here's highlighting some of the movies that run on the animal human connection.

Probably the most popular movie to have us all fall in love with dogs - or Dalmatians in specific. Glenn Close as Cruell DeVille, a designer who is obsessed with designing fur coats out of real Dalmatians is extremely villainous. The highlight of the story is the escape of the 101 dalmatians from the evil estate called the De Vil Mansion. The sequel, 102 Dalmatians was just as adorable!

Based on the memoir of the same name by John Grogan, Marley and Me transcends the life of a couple and their dog and vice versa. It covers the story of the titular dog Marley as he is adopted by a newly expectant couple, played by Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. They name him Marley as a tribute to Bob Marley. And as man’s best friend, Marley stands by everything - depression, Jenny’s miscarriage, children and moving to a new house.

A woman's struggle to save her gorillas from the poachers. Charlize Theron plays Jill, a woman who has witnessed the death of her mother and that of her gorilla, Joe's Mother. He is bought to America for safety reasons; but he escapes and creates havoc in Hollywood. The story then traces his survival through it all.

A doctor who understand what animals are saying and the animals find out. A complete laugh riot with the amazingly hilarious Eddie Murphy as Dr. Dolittle who can not only talk to them but used the power to treat animals better.

The Little family adopts an adorably naughty but extremely charming young mouse and name him Stuart. But will Stuart be able to gain the love and affection as the first pet of the house is a cat! Gradually, with loads of misadventures, Stuart and Snowbell, the cat make amends as to the best of family intentions.

A jewel thief arrives at a luxury hotel with a trained orangutan. The orangutan is trained to steal but little does the thief know that the innocent animal is seeking escape from poor animal treatment and unjust means. The setting of a luxury hotel and the befriending of the orangutan with a little boy saves the day.

A motivational speaker gets the surprise of his life when his father, a circus clown, leaves him an elephant in his will. Jack sees this is an opportunity to pay off his debts by selling the animal. However, traveling with the 8000 pound elephants forms the bulk of the movie.

A true story inspired by a professor's life as he takes a dog into his life. The dog waited for his professor everyday at the station when the master returned from work. But one day, the professor dies of cerebral hemorrhage and never returns to the station. However, the dog kept waiting. Everyday until his own death nine years later.

A dog is the only witness to a crime scene and after the death of his master is taken in by his masters friend, a detective. Now the detective needs the help of the dog to solve the case, little does he know how his life will be turned upside down by the dog.

Based on Anna Sewell’s best selling novel, Black Beauty remains a classic. Narrated as Black Beauty’s look on his life, the movie carries the voice of Alan Cumming as the voice of Black Beauty. There have been five adaptations of the best selling book.

Based on the 1898 true story of two lions on a killing rampage. The lions are being hunted by an engineer and a hunter who notice the people disappearing due to the man eating lions. Now it is up to them to save the people of the village from the man eating lions.